Ceriops Arn.
Shrubs upto 4 m - 20 m high, deliquiscent
Leaves ovate, elliptic, peduncles 6 -
Flowers within and below the leafy clusters
Petals without clavate appendages, fringed
Stamens with a short filament
Anther longer than the filaments
Hypocotyle upto 16 cm long, apex blunt
Shrub-small tree, upto 6 m high
Branches pyramidal appearance
Leaves elliptic, peduncle 2-4, flower
within leafy cluster.
Petals terminal 3-clavate appendages
Anthers shorter than the filament length
Hypocotyle upto 25 cm long, warty throughout,
terete or slightly ridged with sharp end
Fruit pointed, apex 15-20 mm long